
EXIT is a Creative Direction Agency developing social technologies aiming to update the faith we’ve currently lost in the evolutionary arch of humanity.

Trojan horsing a relational metaphysics through the collapsing materialist facade of commercial brand bullshit, contemporary art product, & political propaganda, EXITs abstraction represents the intrinsic value of the Process as a new form of first principle for collective human identity and coherence.

EXITs non-dual design, philosophy, & public civic venue space align in order to compose a frame for the practice of epistemic humility— networking a hyperaware meta-conscious state of the ‘art’ as an in-real-time mode of interactive performance— where communication itself becomes the dialogical way of intentionally refining the picture of the Good.

EXITs cognitive model abstracts the relationship to the sacred as primarily existential; framing the scientific reason for communal spiritual ecologies of practice. A necessary synthesis in order to effectively ontologically coordinate in an ongoing evolutionary project toward the ultimate mystery ahead. And so we can defeat the AI robots.

‘EXIT to Exi(s)T’.—-

We are a team of evolutionary activists prototyping psycho-technologies
in order to build capacity for authentic human connection.

EXIT is the symbol for Direction, telling the story, in real time, as we find our way out of the disaster/dystopia polar trap;
and into a new collective conscious awareness of the intrinsic value of the relational process itself, as an aviology of human value and
redefinition of a shared Logos.

Contextually, as an ‘art installation’ and meta-venue, [EXITs] frame commercial spaces as the ‘Existential Process’—
strategically abstracting the common ground, where the ‘art’ is a reflection of the integrated and embodied social practice of communications.

paradoxically, entering EXIT open the portal to a new way of experiencing true context—
an existential social media framework for consilient interaction, spiritual unity, & communal seeking of wisdom.